Any surgical procedure, even if performed on patients in good general condition, always involves the unpredictable possibility of the onset of complications.
It is essential to implement all preventive measures so that they do not occur, reducing, and possibly eliminating, risk factors, such as smoking, obesity, concomitant diseases that can be treated before surgery. It is also essential that all the measures indicated by the surgeon are meticulously implemented during the post-operative period: correct home management of surgical wounds (sterility), taking the prescribed drugs.
Despite the above preventive measures, complications can sometimes occur, in most cases of minor severity. Complications related to dermatological surgery are mainly represented by:
Statistically it can be stated that, in people in good general condition, whose clinical tests do not demonstrate alterations that could increase the risk rate, the incidence of serious complications is very low. Should a complication occur, the patient’s emotional stability is crucial to deal with and overcome it. In this sense, the support of the partner and family members plays a crucial role and it would be desirable to avoid undergoing surgery in the absence of such support. Likewise, total alliance with the surgeon, who must be promptly informed in case of any doubt, is fundamental for the appropriate management of complications.
The Dr. Simone is medical director at the Campus Bio-Medico University Polyclinic of Rome, where, in addition to carrying out surgical activities, he dedicates himself to teaching and scientific research, in an international academic context.