Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon
Specialty: Plastic Surgery
Date of entry in the Specialist Register: 30th July 2007
Appraisals: 31st March 2018, 17th March 2017, 19th December 2015
Revalidation: 12th January 2016
Mr. Simone was in an administrative role, which included co-ordinating rotation for medical staff.
On 1st January 1999, Mr. Simone was promoted to the rank of Medical Tenant in the Italian Army.
On 1st January 2005, Mr. Simone was promoted to the rank of Medical Captain in the Italian Army.
Thesis: “Giant nevus: a still unsettled clinical and therapeutical question”.
Coordinator: Dr. Roberto Bracaglia
Thesis Advisors: Prof. Eugenio Farallo, Dr. Antonio
Grade: 50 out of 50 cum laude.
Mainly under the supervision of Miss Lisa Sacks, he took part in teaching programmes as well as clinical activities on wards, clinics and theatres (hand surgery, burns, pigmented lesions, breast reconstruction, paediatric plastic surgery, laser, emergencies).
Grade: Excellent.
He attended theoretical classes and hands-on training, on military and medical topics: – use of arms, hygiene, legal medicine, chemical-biologic-nuclear defence, medicine of disasters, public and military health, medical and surgical emergencies. He passed all required test.
Thesis: “Reconstructive Surgery of Pharyngostomes”.
Coordinator: prof. Eugenio Farallo Thesis Advisor: Dr. Antonio Seccia
Grade: 110 out of 110 cum laude.
Grade: A.
Grade: 60 out of 60.
His clinical activities consist of:
Mr. Simone is actively involved in teaching programmes and research activities within the Medical School and Specialisation School in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome:
Dr. Alfredo Colapietra Coordinator: prof. Paolo Persichetti
Academic Year 2018-2019.
Domenico Donadio Coordinator: prof. Paolo Persichetti
Academic Year 2019-2020.
Luca Piombino Coordinators: Prof. Paolo Persichetti, prof. Gregory Evans
Academic Year 2013-2014.
Vito Toto Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Persichetti
Academic Year 2012-2013.
Carlo Carusi Coordinator: Prof. Paolo Persichetti
Academic Year 2011-2012.
Carlo Carusi Coordinator: prof. Paolo Persichetti
Academic Year 2006-2007.
This study is being conducted in co-operation with the Non-linear Physics and Mathematical Modeling Laboratory, the Materials Laboratory and the Microscopic and Ultra-structural Anatomy Laboratory at the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome.
XIII National Congress of the Italian Young Surgeons’ Multi-Specialist Society: “Breast reconstruction with Becker’s prosthesis. The delayed procedure compared to the immediate one: ten years of experience”. P. Simone et al. Madonna di Campiglio (Tn), Italy; 26/03/2000.
IX Congress ESPRAS-European Societies of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery- European section of IPRAS. “Scissors resection and shave excision of a perineal verrucous epidermal nevus”. R. Bracaglia, P. Simone, G. Fabrizi. Angelicum Congress Center, Rome, Italy; 16/09/2001.
Innovations and controversies in the treatment of breast cancer, 2nd edition. “Surgical techniques in post-mastectomy breast reconstruction: prostheses”. P. Persichetti, B. Cagli, GF. Marangi, P. Simone. M.G. Vannini Hospital, Rome, Italy; 01/03/2003.
52° National Congress of the Italian Society for Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: Results and Perspectives of Plastic Surgery. “Correction of tuberous breast with permanent expandable implants (P.E.I.)”. P. Persichetti, P. Simone, B. Cagli, GF. Marangi. Congress Palace, Florence, Italy; 18/09/2003.
XI Giornata Regionale SICO. Recurrent pelvic carcinoma: therapeutical strategies and options. “The role of the plastic surgeon”. P. Persichetti, GF. Marangi, B. Cagli, S. Tenna, P. Simone. Auditorium M.G. Vannini Hospital Rome, Italy; 06/12/2003.
53° National Congress of the Italian Society for Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. “Use of neighbouring cutaneous flaps for the repair of chest wall vast defects”. S. Tenna, P. Simone, B. Cagli, G. Li Vecchi, P. Persichetti. Congress Palace, Pisa, Italy; 16/09/2004.
53° National Congress of the Italian Society for Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
“Gracylis Musce flaps: versatility and reliability in their multiple uses.” P. Simone, GF. Marangi, A. Cogliandro, P. Persichetti. Congress Palace, Pisa, Italy; 16/09/2004.
Innovations and controversies in the treatment of breast cancer, 3rd edition. “Breast reconstruction”. P. Persichetti, B. Cagli, S. Tenna, P. Simone, GF. Marangi. Auditorium M.G. Vannini Hospital, Rome, Italy; 26/11/2004.
Innovations and controversies in the treatment of breast cancer, 3rd edition. Poster: “The thoraco-abdominal hatchet flap in the surgical treatment of advanced stages of breast cancer”. P.Persichetti, S.Tenna, B.Cagli, P.Simone, GF Marangi. Auditorium M.G. Vannini Hospital, Rome, Italy, 26/11/2004.
15th World Congress of Aesthetic Medicine. “Cervicofacial lifting: treatment of the cervicomental angle”. M. Pelle Ceravolo, A. Del Vescovo, P. Simone. Rome, Italy; 05/05/2005.
55° National Congress of the Italian Society for Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. “Strategic approach to post-mastectomy breast reconstruction with tissue expander”. P. Persichetti, B. Cagli, P. Simone, A. Cogliandro. Palacongressi della Riviera di Rimini, Rimini, Italy; 21/09/2006.
Workshop. Functional and aesthetic surgery of the abdominal wall. “Preoperative assessment: patient selection, clinical examination and photographic standards”. P. Simone. Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Italy; 24/11/2006.
58° National Congress of the Italian Society for Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (SICPRE).“Validity of the symmetrising contralateral breast reduction with the modified Pitanguy-Ribeiro technique in patients with implant breast reconstruction”. D. Palazzolo, P. Simone, A. Iodice, P. Persichetti. Sanremo, Italy; 28/10/2009.
Conference: “Dermoscopy: relevance in early melanoma detection”. P. Simone. Elective teaching event, ADE, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Italy; 12/01/2012.
Conference: “Aesthetic Medicine”. P. Simone. Centro Medico Avezzano, Avezzano; 25/05/ 2012.
Friends of the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome Association. Conference: “…It was a beautiful mole…”. “Dermoscopy: relevance in early melanoma detection”. P. Simone. Rome, Italy; 30/05/2012.
Conference: “Introduction of the Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Clinic at the CMA: an overview of all procedures”. P. Simone. Avezzano Medical Centre, Avezzano; 28/11/2012.
Friends of the Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome Association. Associazione Manager Italia. Conference: “…It was a beautiful mole…”. “Dermoscopy: relevance in early melanoma detection”. P. Simone. Rome; 03/12/2012.
Higher Education Course “Beauty Recovery Specialist”. Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome.“Skin Cancers”. “Dermoscopy: relevance in early melanoma detection”. P. Simone. Rome, Italy; 16/12/2013.
Higher Education Course “Beauty Recovery Specialist”. Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome. “Skin Cancers”. “Dermoscopy: relevance in early melanoma detection”. P. Simone. Rome, Italy; 15/12/2014.
Orange County Plastic Surgeons’ Meeting. “Brachioplasty in post-bariatric patients: my encouraging experience with the postero-medial scar technique and concomitant liposuction”. P. Simone, Department of Plastic Surgery, University of California, Irvine, USA; 06/06/2015.
Higher Education Course “Beauty Recovery Specialist”. Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome.“Skin Cancers”. “Dermoscopy: relevance in early melanoma detection”. P. Simone. Rome, Italy; 14/12/2015.
Higher Education Course “Beauty Recovery Specialist”. Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome.“Skin Cancers”. “Dermoscopy: relevance in early melanoma detection”. P. Simone. Rome, Italy; 19/12/2016.
II National Congress AICPEO, Precision Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, “Anchor-line abdominoplasty in post-bariatric patients: our experience”. P. Persichetti, P. Simone, C. Carusi. Siena, Italy; 08-09/06/2017.
Higher Education Course “Beauty Recovery Specialist”. Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome.“Skin Cancers”. “Dermoscopy: relevance in early melanoma detection”. P. Simone. Rome, Italy; 15/01/2018.
Eventi Macroregionali Fondazione SICOB. “Multidisciplinarity in Bariatric Surgery”. “The contribution of body contouring and its effects on patients’ complicance”. Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome. P. Simone. Rome, Italy; 15/06/2018.
Higher Education Course “Beauty Recovery Specialist”. Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome.“Skin Cancers”. “Dermoscopy: relevance in early melanoma detection”. P. Simone. Rome, Italy; 14/01/2019.
ECM Update Course: “Post-bariatric inner thigh profiloplasty”, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome. Directors: P.Persichetti, P. Simone. Rome, Italy; 07/05/2019.
IV National Congress AICPEO. Body Contouring: principles of clinical strategy and surgical technique-focus on breast and abdomen. “Abdominal and pubic contouring in the post-bariatric patient: our experience”. P. Simone. Naples, Italy; 31/05/2019.
68° National Congress of the Italian Society for Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (SICPRE). Frontier surgery, the frontiers of surgery. “Post-bariatric brachioplasty with postero-medial scar”. P. Simone. Palermo, Italy, 26/09/2019.
Higher Education Course “Beauty Recovery Specialist”. Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome.“Skin Cancers”. “Dermoscopy: relevance in early melanoma detection”. P. Simone. Rome, Italy; 13/01/2020.
II National Congress. Rectus Abdominis Diastasis. “Body contouring combined with rectus diastasis repair in patients with severe skin laxity”. P. Simone. Rome, Italy; 04/09/2020.
III National Congress (Webinar). Rectus Abdominis Diastasis. “Abdominal contouring combined with rectus diastasis repair in post-bariatric patients”. P. Simone. Rome, Italy; 22/05/2021.
V National Congress AICPEO. Prevention and management of complications. Technique and bio-medical technology in upper limb surgery. “The prevention of complications in brachioplasty: postero-medial scar technique in combination with liposuction”. P. Simone. Virtual Congress, 08/07/2021.
Simone P., Loreti A., Salgarello M., Fasciani L., Lahoud P., Farallo E.. “Breast reconstruction with Becker’s mammary prosthesis. The delayed procedure compared to the immediate one: ten years of experience”. Hepato-Gastroenterology, 47 Supplement I (2000), CXII.
Bracaglia R., Simone P., Fabrizi G.. “Scissors resection and shave excision of a perineal verrucous epidermal nevus”. European Plastic Surgery Review. IX Congress Espras-Proceedings, CD-Rom; (2001).
Persichetti P., Cagli B., Simone P., Berloco M., Muccioli Casadei R., Marangi G.F.. “Decision-making in contralateral breast symmetrization within post-mastectomy breast reconstruction”. Riv Ital Chir Plastica-Clin Exp PS. 33, 93-98, (2001).
Persichetti P., Simone P., Berloco M., Cagli B., Marangi G.F., Muccioli Casadei R., Di Lella F.. “Selection of the appropriate Limberg flap in the reconstruction of post-excisional nasal defects”. Riv Ital Chir Plastica-Clin Exp PS. 34, 25-29, (2002).
Persichetti P., Simone P., Berloco M., Muccioli Casadei R., Marangi G.F., Cagli B., Di Lella F..
“Vulvo-perineal reconstruction: medial thigh septo-fascio-cutaneous island flap”. Ann Plast Surg 50: 85-89, (2003).
Bracaglia R., Simone P.. “Giant nevus: a still unsettled clinical and therapeutical question”. G Ital Dermatol Venereol; 138: 19-24, (2003).
Persichetti P., Marangi G. F., Simone P., Cagli B., Di Lella F., Berloco M., Muccioli Casadei R.. “An easy way to install the remote port of permanent expandable breast implants in the axillary region during breast reconstruction or augmentation”. Plast Reconstr Surg Oct; 112: 1492, (2003).
Persichetti P., Simone P., Tenna S., Marangi G.F., Di Lella F., Cagli B., Li Vecchi G.. “How to prevent complications during the application of nasal plaster (the spider maneuver)”. Plast Reconstr Surg; May; 113: 1891; (2004).
Persichetti P., Simone P., Li Vecchi G., Di Lella F., Cagli B., Marangi G.F.. “Wedge excision of the nail fold in the treatment of ingrown toenail”. Ann Plast Surg June; 52: 617-620: (2004).
Persichetti P., Simone P., Tambone V. “About Beauty”. Plast Reconstr Surg July; 114: 270-271; (2004).
Persichetti P., Di Lella F., Simone P., Marangi G.F., Cagli B., Tenna S., Trivelli M.. “Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: an unusual complication of rhinoplasty”. Plast Reconstr Surg July; 114: 277-278; (2004).
Persichetti P., Tenna S., Simone P., Cagli B., Marangi G.F., Di Lella F. “Donor-site recurrence of rectal adenocarcinoma after reverse latissimus dorsi flap”. Plast Reconstr Surg; August; 114(2): 615-617; (2004).
Persichetti P., Di Lella F., Marangi G.F., Cagli B., Simone P., Tenna S., Cogliandro A., Ambrosino F., Esposito V., Groeger A.M., Baldi A.. “Leiomyosarcoma of the scrotum arising from the dartos muscle: a rare clinicopathological entity”. In Vivo. Sep-Oct; 18(5):553-4; (2004).
Persichetti P., Di Lella F., Marangi G.F., Cagli B., Simone P., Tenna S., Rabitti C., Cassandro R., Esposito V., Groeger A.M., Baldi A. “Pleomorphic lipoma: a definite histopathological entity”. Anticancer Res. Sep-Oct; 24(5B): 3157-59; (2004).
Persichetti P., Simone P., Cagli B., Li Vecchi G., Tenna S., Marangi G.F.. “Detection of multiple cancer recurrences during delayed breast reconstruction with latissimus dorsi muscolocutaneous flap. Case report”. Riv. Ital. Chir. Plastica-Clin. Exp. PS 36, 71-73, (2004).
Persichetti P., Simone P., Cagli B., Veneroso S.. “Use of a needle guard in syringe nipple splinting”. Plast Reconstr Surg; May; 115 (6): 1796-97; (2005).
Persichetti P., Simone P., Scuderi N. “Anchor-line abdominoplasty: A comprehensive approach to abdominal wall reconstruction and body contouring”. Plast Reconstr Surg; Jul; 116 (1): 289-94; (2005).
Persichetti P., Cagli B., Tenna S., Simone P., Marangi G.F., Li Vecchi G. “Decision Making in the treatment of tuberous and tubular breasts: volume adjustment as a crucial stage in the surgical strategy.”Aesthetic Plast. Surg; Nov-Dec; 29(6):482-8; (2005).
Persichetti P., Cogliandro A., Marangi G.F., Simone P., Cagli B. “Triple intercalated flaps in perineal urethral replacement: an efficient technique to prevent circumferential urethral stenosis.” Plast. Reconstr. Surg.; Feb; 117 (2): 708-10; (2006).
Persichetti P., Simone P., Langella M., Marangi G.F., Carusi C.. “Digital photography in plastic surgery: how to achieve reasonable standardization outside a photographic studio”. Aesthetic Plast. Surg. Jan 4; (2007).
Simone P., Palazzolo D., Carusi C., Persichetti P.. “An extremely simple and systematic approach to de-epithelialization during breast reduction and mastopexy”. Ann. Plast Surg, March; 58(3): 348-349; (2007).
Persichetti P., Cogliandro A., Marangi G.F., Simone P., Ripetti V., Vitelli C.E., Coppola R.. “Pelvic and Perineal reconstruction following Abomino-Perineal Resection: the role of Gracilis Flap”. Ann. Plast. Surg.; 59: 168-172; (2007).
Persichetti P., Cagli B., Simone P., Cogliandro A., Fortunato L., Altomare V., Trodella L.. “Implant breast reconstruction after salvage mastectomy in previously irradiated patients”. Ann. Plast. Surg.; 62 (4): 350-354; (2009).
Persichetti P., Simone P., Cogliandro A., Scuderi N.. “Anchor-line” abdominoplasty: a comprehensive approach to abdominal wall reconstruction and body contouring. In “Body Contouring. Art, science and clinical practice”, M. A. Shiffman and A. Di Giuseppe, Springer; (2010).
Alei G., Letizia P., Ricottilli F., Simone P., Alei L., Massoni F., Ricci S.. “Original technique for penile girth augmentation through porcine dermal acellular grafts: results in a 69-patient series”.
Persichetti P., Simone P., Palazzolo D., Carusi C. “Reduction of the opposite breast in patients with a breast reconstructed with an implant: validity of the inverted “T”, superior pedicle technique, with an inferiorly-based dermal adipose flap”. J. Plast. Surg. Hand Surg; Oct; 46 (5): 339-343 (2012).
Persichetti P., Simone P., Carusi C.. “Assessment of the 18-month permanence of onlay tip cartilage grafts following rhinoplasty”. J. Plast. Surg. Hand Surg.; Sep; 47 (4): 281-285; (2013).
Segreto F., Simone P., Piombino L., Persichetti P.. “ Plastic Surgery improves long-term weight control after bariatric surgery”. Plast. Reconstr. Surg; Apr; 133 (4): 599e-600e; (2014).
Persichetti P., Tenna S., Simone P.. “Reconstructive Plastic Surgery”. In “Multidisciplinary Approach to Obesity. From Assessment to Treatment”. A. Lenzi, S. Migliaccio, L.M. Donini Editors. Springer. (2015).
Persichetti P., Simone P., Carusi C.. “Inverted “T” Superior Pedicle technique with Inferior-Based Dermal Adipose Flap for Reduction Mammaplasty”. In “New Frontiers in Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery”, A. Di Giuseppe and M. A. Shiffman, Jaipee The Health Sciences Publisher; (2015).
Persichetti P., Simone P., Carusi C.. “The inverted T superior pedicle technique with an inferiorly-based dermal adipose flap: reduction of the opposite breast, in patients with a breast reconstructed with an implant”. In “Breast Reconstruction: Art, Science and New Clinical Techniques”. M. A. Shiffman, Springer. (2016).
Persichetti P., Simone P., Piombino L..“Anchor-line abdominoplasty in post-bariatric abdominal contouring”. In “Aestetic Plastic Surgery of the Abdomen”. A. Di Giuseppe, M. A.Shiffman, Springer. (2016).
Simone P., Carusi C., Del Buono R., Persichetti P.. “Medial thigh lift in post-bariatric patients: our encouraging experience.”J Plast Surg Hand Surg.; Dec; 50 (6): 359-366; (2016).
Simone P., Carusi C., Iannuzzi R., Persichetti P.. “Two-millimeter dermoscopically detected excision margins in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma: an assessment of radicality and recurrence”. Plastic and Aesthetic Research, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 7, p. 269-270, Jul. (2016).
Persichetti P., Simone P., Iannuzzi R., Signoretti M. “Breast recontouring in post-bariatric patients: inverted-T scar mastopexy with autoprosthesis or implant”. In “Atlas of Cosmetic Breast Surgery”. P. Persichetti. Edizioni Minerva Medica. (2017).
Simone P., Carusi C., Segreto F. et al. “Post-bariatric brachioplasty with postero-medial scar: physical model, technical refinements and clinical outcomes”. Plast. Reconstr. Surg; Feb; 141: 344-353; (2018).
“Gracylis Musce flaps: versatility and reliability in their multiple uses.” P. Simone, GF. Marangi, A. Cogliandro, P. Persichetti. Congress Palace, Pisa, Italy; 16/09/2004.
“Vulvo-perineal reconstruction: medial thigh septo-fascio-cutaneous island flap”. Ann Plast Surg 2003, 50: 85-89.
Alei G., Letizia P., Ricottilli F., Simone P., Alei L., Massoni F., Ricci S.. “Original technique for penile girth augmentation through porcine dermal acellular grafts: results in a 69-patient series”.
Persichetti P., Simone P., Palazzolo D., Carusi C.. “Reduction of the opposite breast in patients with a breast reconstructed with an implant: validity of the inverted “T”, superior pedicle technique, with an inferiorly-based dermal adipose flap”.
J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2012 Oct;46(5):339-43.