Operations carried out in dermatological surgery normally involve a rapid postoperative recovery.
In the case of procedures carried out with laser, re-epithelizing and soothing creams are prescribed, to be applied to the treated areas for a few days, until complete healing. Subsequent total sun protection for at least 3 months is important, in order to avoid the appearance of dark spots in the regions subjected to laser treatment.
In the case of operations involving the application of stitches, their removal occurs after 5-7 days on the face, and after two weeks on the body. In some cases, reabsorbable stitches are applied which fall off spontaneously (circumcision, removal of mucosal growths inside the mouth). Postoperatively, daily disinfections of surgical wounds are prescribed until the removal of stitches, application of paper plasters to reduce tension on the scars for at least 3 months and silicone gel to prevent the excessive formation of scar tissue. Total sun protection for at least 3 months is important, in order to avoid the appearance of dark spots near the scar.
The Dr. Simone is medical director at the Campus Bio-Medico University Polyclinic of Rome, where, in addition to carrying out surgical activities, he dedicates himself to teaching and scientific research, in an international academic context.